Helena, quando vi sua foto achei que você fosse indiana ( ou hindu? não sei...). Vim parar aqui pelo Google, gostei do seu blog. É simples, mas tem conteúdo interessante e objetivo. Bjooo
I am Helena Martin, a Brazilian-American fashion columnist living now in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I am also a business entrepreneur graduated in business with a specialization in finance. I love fashion, a heritage that comes from my lovely mother (god rest her soul) who used to be a seamstress. I grew up around scissors, needles, and colorful fabrics. My accreditation is through United States Press Agency. I work as a freelance fashion writer for newspapers, magazines and websites. For the last eight years I have covered New York Fashion Week. I have contributed to media outlets such as the BWI Magazine, Hello Brazil News, Vitrine Fashion Magazine, and Revista Nine.
Helena, quando vi sua foto achei que você fosse indiana ( ou hindu? não sei...). Vim parar aqui pelo Google, gostei do seu blog. É simples, mas tem conteúdo interessante e objetivo. Bjooo